Falling for Fall

Don’t get me wrong- I love summer. I am as much a watermelon, beach trip, sunglasses fanatic as the next person.  But here’s the thing, summer with all its sweet ripeness has a tendency to get a bit stale rather quickly for me.  Autumn is the much more reliable season.  Let’s get my first- gasp-… Continue reading Falling for Fall

McKenzie’s Bookshelf: Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk by Kathleen Rooney

Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog! It has been a few weeks since I’ve written here, so I’m super excited to get back in the swing of things, because writing for this blog truly does bring me so much joy. Today’s book review is focused on my most recent read: Lillian Boxfish Takes… Continue reading McKenzie’s Bookshelf: Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk by Kathleen Rooney

Her Resilient Ink: Zelda Fitzgerald

Welcome to the first post of my blogging series: Her Resilient Ink. In this series, I hope to shed light on the societal constraints faced by pioneering female authors along with their displays of unyielding determination in the face of this adversity.  As a passionate advocate for female empowerment and an avid reader, I am… Continue reading Her Resilient Ink: Zelda Fitzgerald

My Love Letter To Writing

Writing has always brought an unadulterated joy to my life.  As an elementary schooler, Young Authors competitions- where I wrote about everything from our solar system to raccoons- served an annual hallmark of excitement. Right now, ten journals sit stacked in the leftmost corner of my closet because it is putting my experiences and thoughts… Continue reading My Love Letter To Writing

McKenzie’s Bookshelf: The Secret History by Donna Tartt

The Secret History by Donna Tartt sat on my bookshelf for quite a few months.  Perhaps it was the overwhelming surge of positive reviews flooding the internet that dissuaded me from potentially diluting my overly positive perception of this book. Or, maybe it was simply the sheer size of this novel that kept me away. … Continue reading McKenzie’s Bookshelf: The Secret History by Donna Tartt


I am in kindergarten. Tears silently rush down my face, leaving a path of despair in their wake. I walk up to my teacher preparing to tell her earth-shattering news: I forgot to give my Tamagotchi to my brother for the day.  For those of you who are confused, let me give a brief explanation… Continue reading Techsploration

Behind the Screen

Hello readers!  It is with great excitement and a wee bit of nervousness that I welcome you to my blog.  This blog has been a long time coming.  The height in which my stack of personal journals stands has mounted to the likes of wind turbines and high dive platforms; so I am incredibly eager… Continue reading Behind the Screen